Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now, due to a construct in my mind

That makes these songs and their lyrics,
Symbolic of my entire existence.
It becomes important for me,
To make a playlist.*

Inspired by Nat, I've compiled a list of songs that were written for and/or about me. Basically, tunes that either perfectly capture what the voice in my head wishes it could say or somehow describe my life experiences with eerie accuracy. Not to be confused with my "Favorite Songs Ever Ever Ever" playlist, which is coming soon. And this, kids, is what I do after midnight.

Also here's the designated coverart and tracklist with blurbs so I can look back at this post in 20 years and giggle. Oh, life.

Mr. Mastodon Farm- Cake Because everyone's attributed life-shattering significance to random external events at some point in their life, right? God, we're weird.
Breathe - Anna Nalick Honestly the best advice I've ever gotten from the radio.
Do You Realize??? - The Flaming Lips "The sun doesn't go down /It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round"
Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games- Of Montreal Oh hi there, blogname!
Winter Wonderland - Animal Collective Exposing ridiculousness of existential denial.
Why Do I Keep Counting? - The Killers Good question.
Trouble with Dreams- Eels "You never know when to hold on or when to let go. "
Dinosaur- Whitey A refreshing take on the circle of life.
Apartment Story - The National *Happy sigh* It just is.
Flagpole Sitta - Harvey Danger "Hear the voices in my head / I sweartogod it sounds like they're snoring"
Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan Psh. No blurb necessary.
Rock N' Roll Lifestyle - Cake. Way to make me self conscious about loving concerts, CAKE.
Time to Pretend - MGMT I love every single thing about this song. 
Feel Good Hit of the Summer - Queens of the Stone Age Or Fall. Or Spring. JUSTKIDDINGGUYS
Never Be Alone - Simian deliciously depressing song about friendship #1
All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem deliciously depressing song about friendship #2
Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse "Your time is now." (Also +10 for chaos theory reference)
The Past is a Grotesque Animal - Of Montreal "At least I author my own disaster" (Even though Kevin Barnes authored the sentiment)
C'mere - Interpol Yup.
Tear You Apart- She Wants Revenge Yup.
Change your Mind - The Killers Also, yup.
Romeo and Juliet- Dire Straits "Yeah, I used to have a scene with him." 
Conquest- White Stripes bwahahaha. 
Red Flags and Long Nights - She Wants Revenge "You can rent a space inside my mind / at least until the price becomes too high"
Waters of Nazareth - Justice Shh. It doesn't need words, it speaks the language of my soul.

*to the tune of Mr. Mastodon Farm
**image from I LEGO NY

1 thoughts:

Unknown said...

exceppptt, mine is a best songs ever, ever, playlist (and maybe also a little bit about me, giggle)