Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mondays are Delicious

...My life is so exciting that I blog about meals.

Actually, this one was special. Introducing, the First and Best Steak Ever To Be Grilled At My House! (Thank you, Kyle) Every once in awhile I fall into veggie-mode and forget how much I like meat. But meat good, me like meat. Ooga.

On top of that, we got a pack of St. Arnold's Divine Reserve. Why were we so excited about "just another beer", you ask? Because the Divine Reserve is a small batch they brew uniquely each year and then NEVER MAKE AGAIN. If you're really into the whole connoisseur thing, they like to describe this particular one (No. 7) as

"...dark, slightly chocolatey weizenbock with an undercurrent of bananas and cloves."

Well whatever it's supposed to taste like, it was a perfect compliment to the MMM MEAT.

Okay, that's enough procrastinating my work for this hour. w00t.

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