I'm not talking about the computer generated "SUPERS1ZE_YOUR BABYMAKER" ones (lord knows I love those...), I'm talking about the mass of forwarded mail you get from older relatives, really lonely coworkers, or friends that are actually losers. The FWD:RE:FW:: MUST READ!!!!! in the subject line is a pretty big giveaway. Usually they consist of either an obviously photoshopped image of something oMgCrAzY (bonsai kittens anyone? really?) or a heartwarming story that if you don't pass on to at least 10 people, you will never find love. Or happiness. Or that one sock you've been missing for a week.
...Unfortunately, I lose at life.
So uh, in case anyone was wondering, that basketball girl does actually exist. Oops. Now my mom thinks it's funny to say that everything she sees is "so obviously photoshopped" just to mock me. I'm living an xkcd comic, and a cosmically ironic one at that.
On the bright side, new Ratatatatatat! Huzzah!
Get ready kids- their album releases July 8. w00t.
PPS: Speaking of xkcd, who calls RULE 34 on that basketball girl, eh? Anyone? Anyone?